In the Amazon, Mombak bets on the world’s largest reforestation project to remove carbon

The carbon credit startup raised US$120 million in investment to scale up the planting of native seedlings and acquired an area of 20 thousand hectares in Pará
Mombak wants to accelerate reforestation in the Amazon with native species

A company created by former technology and innovation executives, Mombak has closed its third financing operation to advance the purchase and lease of land to implement its reforestation projects in the Amazon with native species.
Find out who accompanied Biden on his visit to the Amazon Museum in Manaus

American President visited the capital of Amazonas this Sunday (17), before the G20 summit
Biden Visits Amazon, Vowing Help to Fight Climate Change

“The president toured the rainforest and promised Brazil funds for environmental initiatives, even as the incoming Trump administration appears poised to roll them back.
Carbon credits: What Brazil needs to do to attract green money once and for all

Carbon credits obtained through reforestation attract investments from multinationals. However, the country needs to advance in regulations and new projects
Bloomberg New Economy Announces 2024 Catalysts in Recognition of Innovative Thinking and Action

Bloomberg announced the 2024 Bloomberg New Economy Catalysts , a global group of scientists, policymakers and entrepreneurs whose efforts and goals are contributing to a safer, healthier, more connected and sustainable world
Joint actions invest in the reconstruction of destroyed vegetation areas in the Amazon

Tech giants such as Google and Microsoft are taking part in strategic projects to try to recover destroyed vegetation in the Amazon region
Google buys its first carbon credits from Brazilian company Mombak

Each credit represents a reduction of one tonne of carbon dioxide emissions.
Google to buy carbon credits from Brazilian startup

Big tech announces acquisition of 50,000 tons of carbon credits by 2030 from Mombak
Google buys carbon removal credits from Brazil startup, joining Microsoft

Google has agreed for the first time ever to purchase nature-based carbon removal credits from a Brazilian startup, its first engagement with carbon projects in the South American country.