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Microsoft Goes Big In Brazil’s Voluntary Carbon Credit Market
January 8, 2024
Microsoft Corp is making a big move into Brazil’s voluntary carbon market with a deal to buy credits from a large-scale project to reforest degraded parts of the Amazon.
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Amazon: farm in Pará sets an example in recovering degraded areas
January 8, 2024
The Amazon Summit wants to draw attention to the potential of an untapped market that can help recover deforested areas. Stimulating green economies is at the center of discussions, and one issue that is gaining prominence is the carbon credit market.
Unprecedented global project is reforesting the Amazon in Brazil
May 15, 2023
Brazilian startup implements a US$ 100 million program in Pará to remove carbon from the atmosphere.

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Brazil looks to start-ups in battle to reforest the Amazon
July 4, 2024
Companies are replanting millions of hectares and generating revenue through carbon credit sales
Canada Pension Joins Startup at $100 Million Reforestation Fund
July 4, 2024
Canada’s largest pension fund has joined a project to produce carbon credits by planting more than 100 native tree species on degraded land in Brazil’s Amazon region.
McLaren buys carbon credits in quest for net zero
July 4, 2024
SAO PAULO/LONDON, Nov 30 (Reuters) - McLaren Racing has agreed to purchase carbon credits from reforestation projects in Brazil's Amazon rainforest and CO2 removal initiatives in Britain and the U.S. as part of its bid to achieve net zero emissions by 2040, the team said on Thursday. McLaren competes in Formula One and the IndyCar Series, with emissions coming - in addition to motor racing itself - from activities such as air travel, with Formula One set to race 24 times in 22 different countries next year.